I've been having a really good look around the garden at home today. It's in a very sorry state indeed. The Autumn was so wet and windy I wasn't able to do all the tidying up I wanted to do. Pampa and Paddy tried to do a little at the end of January but it was so cold with ice and snow I told them not to bother. Quite a few plants died in the cold but not to worry as the front garden was getting a little crowded and needed a sort out. Even amongst the dead leaves, scruffy plants and the odd bit of rubbish blown in from the road I found signs that spring is on it's way.
Buds on the big white clematis, the one I have forgotten the name of and the one I am supposed to chop down to the ground around about now.
One lonely snowdrop, I quite excited about this as I didn't plant it, it's a volunteer plant. Yes it's volunteered to cheer me up.
Crocus, narcissus and tulips in this piece of bare ground.
and even the lesser spotted lost loppers are popping up.
Here is a very neglected herb garden, I can't see what is dead and what is still struggling along. They all need a good hair cut and then we will wait and see what happens. The whole garden is due for a make over but at the moment the Allotment wins and it will have to wait it's turn.