Sunday, July 5, 2009

The start of the Simple Life Audit.

We have been busy with the audit over the last few day and am sorry to say I realised how much we have slipped from our simple life path. Thanks to Rhonda we are hauling ourselves back.

Living deliberately.

Our goals have changed beyond recognition over the last year or so, thanks to our children and their families. When our eldest went to Australia three years ago to study little did we know this would change our life so much.
Our long term goal is now to retire to Australia to be with all our children who will be living there by that time.


Pampa is over viewing the budget and producing a simpler format that we can both read at a glance.
We are also implementing a virtual 'envelope system'. I'll let you know how we are doing this later as not sure myself yet.


The other areas we have been looking at seriously are our stockpile and kitchen storage. The 'pantry' is untidy and order has been lost recently. I haven't been very careful when putting away stock. My storage space needs a makeover, I would like some racking instead of the hotch potch of shelves and boxes I use now.

I had a turn around in the kitchen a couple of months ago but although somethings are working well others are not and need re-thinking.
I'm going to re-arrange the baking/breadmaking area so all ingredients and equipment is in one place.
The breakfast area, china, tea, cereals and toast making supplies also need moving together by the toaster.
We will see if these changes make for a smoother work area.
Although we were late planting up the veg garden this spring everything is growing well. It's the first full year on the allotment site and we fully expect that changes will need to be made to the list of produce.
Changes for next year.
  • Start earlier.
  • Order seed potatoes before all are sold out.
  • More beans and a greater variety.
  • Protect the peas from bird damage.
  • Establish a fruit garden with raspberries, blackcurrants, rhubarb and more strawberries.
  • Larger water storage tank and a watering system to carry the water to other areas of the allotment.
  • Establish a potting, planting up area at the allotment.
  • Build cold frames for raising seedlings.
I am enjoying this at the moment, by taking each area and examining the way we work is so satisfying, even when fault is found. Knowing that through careful thought new simpler ways can be found to do just about anything.
Tomorrow Rhonda is look at disposable items. That is going to be tricky for me as I do like kitchen roll, try not to buy it but often fall down.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

More Special Days

We are having even more celebrations this week. Pampa has reached the big 60, he is not the partying kind and preferred a nice dinner instead. Today is Benny Boy's 26th and last week Bex and Dee both grew one year older. They found it strange to celebrate their birthdays in winter. The last mile stone and for me at least, celebration, today Pampa and I have been married for thirty two years. Time for quiet contemplation and reminisce. !!!

A few more calories I'm afraid. All my own work, as you can see I am not a sugar artist but it tasted good.

I think everyone agreed with me.

A pair of homemade socks, sorry I was not able to take a photo before he had tried them on.

and a satisfied customer, I hope.

While I have been writing this post we have had thunder, lightning and torrential rain, good for the allotment but it can stop now thank you.

After all the excesses of the last couple of weeks it is very timely that Rhonda Jean over on 'down-to-earth' is having an audit of her simple life and has invited all her blogger friends to join in. I really need to put us back on the path to simplicity and what better company could I have than Rhonda and Hanno.