My life, to the outside world must seem dull and samey but it's the sameness of it that is it's joy. I like my routine, my home, my world. I am happy with my life.
Today I visited the lottie with my little helper, as it was his day off. We cleared the pumpkin patch, picked the last of the sweetcorn and cleared away the runner beans. We filled this compost bin and now I need Pampa to build another. Job for the weekend.
The last of the sweetcorn, a little tough now but fine for Pampa's favourite chicken and sweetcorn soup. There were also a few squash lurking under the leaves, very small but nice roasted whole.

But the best were the first of the Brussels sprouts, yummy one of my favourite.
There are also the other, some would say mundane, activities of my day. Washing and who could not be pleased to hang their washing out under this blue sky.
There is always bread making, a loaf hardly lasts a meal let alone a day in our home. This is bog standard granary and white flour. I fine this the best for the 'workers' packed lunch, quite firm and easy to slice.
The goody tin needed filling, flapjack here, so easy and quick, chocolate on this batch but another favourite is oats and apricot.

And there is always knitting, a pair of cosy socks for one of my girls for Christmas and this gorgeous autumn pair I am making for Pampa. A little joke in our family is Pampa's love of orange and how I hate it.

After I have finished writing I will prepare supper. Pork chops with leek and bacon sauce, those yummy sprouts and a few runner beans I found on the plants as I was pulling them up. Must not let them go to waste.
I will have had a contented day and hope for another one tomorrow.